Google recently rolled out an update for the camera app in Pixel phones. This update brought features like Audio Zoom and Cinematic Pan to older Pixel phones. It also added a storage saver and new video effects. Google also improved the camera app in Pixel phones by adding two level indicators for getting that perfectly leveled shot.
The new leveling tool in the camera app for Pixels was first spotted by Android Police. There’s now a yellow line in addition to the white one that already exists. Google Pixel users will see the two-level indicators appear after a few seconds of holding the phone still. To get the perfect level shot, you will need to make the yellow and white lines touch each other to form a single yellow line. You can capture your photo once this single level is achieved.
Android Police notes that on Pixel 4 and above, users will feel a faint vibration when it reaches the perfect level. The two-level indicators also appear as crosshairs when you’re taking top-down shots. The same process should be followed for this too by getting both the indicators to appear as one. This way you can get the perfect shot in both landscape and portrait mode. The new feature is turned on by default, and there’s no option to turn it off.
This feature is new for Pixel phones but it’s something that has existed for years on iPhones. iPhone users can turn on the grid from the camera settings to take shots following the rule of thirds, and also adjust the frame with the leveling tool.